วันเสาร์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

They Live

They Live Review

The DVD movie and packaging was flawless.

The only thing I did not like was the fact that it was missing the inside booklet on the left-hand side. I am not 100% sure it came with one, but every movie I ever purchased before came with one other than DVD's you may see sold off the street.

They Live Feature

They Live Overview

An economic crisis brings unemployed Nada (Roddy Piper) to L.A. in search of work. What he finds instead is that the ruling elite of the world are aliens in disguise, their aim being to keep humans in a state of mindless consumerism. His discovery comes when he dons a pair of special sunglasses made by a resistance group and sees for the first time reality unadorned. Billboards, store signs, magazine covers--all bear subliminal messages to OBEY, to CONSUME, to have NO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT. Money itself says THIS IS YOUR GOD. But worst of all, with these glasses you see which of us are really hideous, bug-eyed aliens. The conceptual breakthrough is hilarious while keeping its roots in darker matters. Although some fault the film for settling into its action plot, the ending has a great payoff. And the direction by John Carpenter is handled with superb workmanlike aplomb. One unforgettable set piece has Piper in a back-alley fistfight with a friend who won't put on the glasses that goes on and on, and just when you think it's over it goes another round. One of the most subversive films ever made in Hollywood, They Live was released on the eve of the 1988 elections. The first TV ads had two hideous alien politicians debating, then one accusing the other of being "No John Kennedy!" --Jim Gay

They Live Specifications

They influence our decisions without us knowing it. They numb our senses without us feeling it. They control our lives without us realizing it. Horror master john carpenter directs this action-packed sci-fi thriller about one mans battle against aliens who are systematically gaining control of the earth. Studio: Uni Dist Corp. (mca) Release Date: 09/23/2003 Starring: Roddy Piper Meg Foster Run time: 98 minutes Rating: R Director: John Carpenter

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 03, 2009 23:42:07

