วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (Color Special Edition)

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (Color Special Edition) Review

This movie has the special effects of Ray Harryhausen and the effects are spectacular! He was a genius in stop motion special effects and his work in this movie is second to none.

The colorized version is good but not great. The colorization is better now than it has been in the past, but, in my opinion, still has a way to go before it has the spectacular look of an old Technicolor print.

All in all, I would rate this movis a solid A on special effects and a B+ on colorization.

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (Color Special Edition) Feature

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (Color Special Edition) Overview

Space scientist Dr. Russell Marvin (Hugh Marlowe) and his wife Carol (Joan Taylor) are working on a secret missile project but every time their rockets are launched they are intercepted and destroyed by the more advanced technology of mysterious flying saucers hovering near the Earth. The alien race has completely surrounded the planet giving Earth the sixty days to surrender. The enemy spacecraft appear indestructible and Marvin sets out to find a weapon that can defeat them. The special effects of stop-motion animator Ray Harryhausen are legendary most notably in the scene in which flying saucers attack the Capitol building in Washington D.C.System Requirements:Running Time: 167 Mins.Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: SCI-FI/FANTASY/FANTASY UPC: 043396226197 Manufacturer No: 22619

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (Color Special Edition) Specifications

A textbook example of '50s-era science fiction, Earth vs. the Flying Saucers boasts not only a solid script and competent performances, but some genuinely impressive stop-motion effects courtesy of one of the industry's uncontested masters, Ray Harryhausen. Scientist Hugh Marlowe (who faced a more benevolent invader from space five years earlier in The Day the Earth Stood Still) discovers that UFOs are responsible for the destruction of a series of exploratory space rockets launched by his space exploration project. The saucers' helmeted pilots land on Earth and deliver an ultimatum to humanity via Marlowe: fealty or complete annihilation.

Harryhausen's painstakingly intricate saucers and the destruction they wreak (particularly during an assault on Washington, D.C.) are the film's unquestionable highlights, but Marlowe and Joan Taylor (as his wife/partner) are capable leads, and veteran B director Fred F. Sears doesn't let the dialogue and expositional scenes fall apart in between the barrage of effects. Earth vs. the Flying Saucers is a fun and effective slice of sci-fi that should please younger audiences as well as nostalgic return viewers. Sears later reused some of the effects footage for his jaw-droppingly awful 1957 effort, The Giant Claw. --Paul Gaita

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 30, 2009 14:12:05

วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

10 Entertaining (Mainly) Horror DVDs to Kill 90 Minutes With If You've Got Nothing Else to Do!

The best thing about the DVD is a good way to kill a few hours if you have nothing else to do when their entertaining! Entertaining, is not always good, though sometimes a movie is both entertaining and well. A couple of movies I have listed are actually so good that you probably would have been, looking to rent or buy on DVD on their own, if you knew anything about them. Anyway, here is my list for you in alphabetical order. The most important criteria, withthat they provide entertainment. Actually, the total of 12, if you reckon an original and modern remake than 2 DVDs and I could not drop another DVD from the list!

Two Thousand Maniacs (1964) and / or 2001 Maniacs (2005) - 2001 Maniacs is actually the actor Robert Englund colorized remake of the classic 1964 horror movie with the civil war of revenge to the present! 2001 Maniacs is manic and over the top and of course sick and disgusting and I stillmore entertaining than the original, as it amps up the action. The original is quite good as well and you can actually see movies and not get bored.

The Butterfly Effect (2004) - A really good science fiction movie, for some reason seemed to be suffering a backlash when it came out probably because it favorite Ashton Kutcher, who was in fact quite good. This film is like an evil evil "Ground Hog Day" and it seems to have been inspired by theNovel "Replay" by Ken Grimwood.

Cabin Fever (2002) - This is the movie that launched careers Eli Roth, Hostel before he made. Roth is one of my favorite directors and film is awesome, sick and disgusting and not anyones idea of a "Chick Flick" unless the meat-eating virus in a remote cabin setting is shared by friends on holiday is your idea of romance

Dead Silence (2007 -) I must admit, I love "ventriloquist" horror movies. IRate this movie quite entertaining, but on the surface, there is absolutely no redeeming social value. A great movie for people who like to be scared of dummies!

Decoy (1946) - One of the most underrated and with (relatively) unknown film noir classic, reflecting the nastiest, most regretted, ruthless, cold, female villain of all time. This film was 60 years ahead of its time. It is as an added bonus, the lodging of an executed murderer back to life, greed, betrayal andmore.

The Devil Rides Out (1968) - The Hammer Horror film with the great Christopher Lee is one of the best movies about Satan and devil-rich forever and is a perfect example of the serious, but Campy style of play in the 60s who are not in covered 2008th There is simply no way a modern actor has seriously spout the dialogue of the film with a straight face as the wonderful British actor here in 1968. Some large properties in major Britishthe scenery and of course, Satan.

House of 1000 Corpses (2003) - This film is one of my top ten films of all time. Featuring the directorial debut of Rob Zombie, this is for me one of the most entertaining Skipped, always sick horror movies. The casting, acting, screenplay, is perfect. When the time does not entertain you will get nothing, Sid Haig as Captain Spaulding would have an Oscar! This film has even Rainn Wilson, aboveOffice!

Kidnapped (2006 Complete TV Series) - This is actually the entire 13 Episode 2006 awarded TV series Starring Jeremy Sisto about the kidnapping of a wealthy boss's (Timothy Hutton), the son that a taut thriller with a huge number of twists and turns, to a deserved big TV audience. "Kidnapped" was canceled before it could be said to reach the level of success, a "24", when the first sheet is completed the exhibition here. It would be worthwhile, even if the rentalThey wanted not only to kill time and be entertained.

Shutter (2008) - This is a thoroughly entertaining American knockoff of the Basic Modern Japanese horror film, the great actor Joshua Jackson. It is absolutely a class "B" or "C" movie, but Joshua Jackson says some of the most contemptible of lines of ignorance in the history of sound film towards the end of the film. This is worth renting just for the dialogue Joshua Jackson alone in the last 10Minutes, which is amazing on. The author is a genius.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) - This is a science-fiction-fantasy-type movie with Jude Law and I thought the photography and style were quite amazing and I felt like I was in a 1940 space opera. I can not understand why this film was not too extensive in the box office.

Wonderfalls (2004) - A truly fantastic TV show that deserves a better fate, but it was on Fox, whichDo you expect? Only 4 episodes of this show have been transferred before it was canceled, but this case is the complete 13 episodes that were originally filmed. This was the best whimsical fantasy art-see TV show I have ever, with excellent acting under the direction of the stunning Caroline Dhavernas, which should have made this show one star, large print and in charge.

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552


Warbirds Review

Warbirds: DVD review
Grade: B
The Sci-Fi channels movies are usual good, but I must start out this review by saying that this is probably the best movie it has made. Yes, I did give it a grade B, but I did that for a reason about the DVD, not the movie itself. (More on that later in the review.) People usually judge Sci-Fi movies, almost stereotyping them, and it just makes me mad, furious, because if you're going to take the time to watch a Sci-Fi movie in the first place, you can't really expect to find the next Oscar nominee for best picture. You're crazy if you do.
Yes, their movies are usual laughingly low-budgeted (they almost seem to take pride in the fact), but the simple truth is this: their movies are fun to watch; they're simple entertainment, in this case, Pterodons assaulting a group of Woman's Airforce Service Pilots.
The movie starts off with a group of Japanese soldiers mining for oil on an island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific, and the time is in the final days of World War 2. The Japanese unearth some preserved Pteranodon eggs, and they hatch and run amok from there. Simple, yet highly entertaining plot, and no, the plot is not only for the weak-minded; the Pteranodons don't even have much screen-time, which is my only complaint about the movie. (More dinosaurs!! Needs more dinosaurs!!!)

The acting is also surprisingly good for a Sci-Fi movie, and the characters don't always act suicidal, like in other recent Sci-Fi movies, such as Yeti. Yes, you do feel for the characters, and you do want them to get out of their situation alive.
The other problem with the movie though is the special effects. The Pteranodons look great (their made using CGI effects), but did they really have to make almost everything else CGI? I mean, even the ocean is CGI in some parts. Once again, kind of cheap guys.
As for the DVD itself, the cover is sort of misleading. At first glance, it appears as if there is a Tyrannosaurus Rex attacking the planes. There is no Tyrannosaurus Rex in the movie. If you want to see Pteranodons and T. Rex's in one movie, go watch Pterodactyl. (Which is not as great as this movie.)
Another problem with the DVD is the special features. I wasn't exactly expecting a whole "making of" documentary, but I wanted at least something else! All there is to the special features is the trailer for the movie, and a trailer for some other movie. That's it. Whoop-dee-doo.
Overall, if you love dinosaurs and the Sci-Fi channel, this is a must-see. They really hit gold with this one, I just wish they would keep making gold like this all the time...But it never hurts to dream, does it?

Warbirds Feature

Warbirds Overview

Studio: Starz/sphe Release Date: 01/13/2009 Run time: 86 minutes

Warbirds Specifications

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 28, 2009 12:35:07

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Downloading Versus Streaming, Which is Better?

Gone are the days where we store up in the next Film Distribution Drive, by 5 or more rent VCDs to watch over the weekend. Our children are safe on a movie marathon with popcorn, or can also be an ice cream for a midnight snack.

But before this year's fashions from VHS, Betamax tapes, or that is rented for us by our parents. Can it be, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, Back to the Future or The Land Before Time, we will certainly enjoy watching them all night.

Movie rental shops are one of thebusinesses are most in demand during this time. Since not all people, the latest movies in theaters, what they usually can not see is to wait until these movies are in their VCD copies and released only wish her happiness that the copy will be available when they will come to visit the store.

But things have developed, thanks to the presence of the Internet, which makes everything easy for us. Well, our movie watching is easy and drive to the nearest videocan not save more proposed.

Online movie rental sites are already in place, the postal service be hired your type of deployment. You only need to place your rental queue, and soon they will all be delivered to your doorstep.

But why wait for the movie almost? If it easy for you, it was even easier, the download services offered by some quarters for excellent films.

Through this movie download services,either rent or buy, you will now have access to wait in your most anticipated movie very much faster in comparison, it will be delivered to you. Although the download time varies and depends greatly on the speed of your Internet connection. The larger the file, the slower it is downloaded, the slower the connection, the longer it takes for you to download the files. There are even movies, with high-definition settings that took days to complete before you can fully download it.

AndNow here comes another resource online movie streaming. Another answer to our leisure, where you do not have to wait for hours before even a movie in full length. With the film is streaming, you can see the movie in just a few minutes, much faster in comparison to download it first. But it also has its downsides. If your Internet connection speed is not at its best, you can meet chops and interruptions during the movie watching, which is very annoying if you download, in contrast toIt initially will be watching your movie, smooth and continuous, all at the very end.

People are still in that is really better download or streaming broken? Both bring us great comfort that they can be downloaded and streamed video to watch it, not only on our PCs, but also to other devices like TiVo, iPod, and our game consoles and mobile phones that we portability and convenience for travelers. But in order to decide what to us is the ultimate movie-watching experience of theDecision is still in your hands.

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Scariest Horror Movies

Everyone loves a good horror movie. The best do not often rely on large HD special effects, although many have excelled in this area. Here is a list of some of the terrifying, hair-raising and just plain scary horror movies that were ever made. Note that you have many of these movies on your satellite TV channels can catch films.

Arachnophobia: This 1990 film with John Goodman functions, these eight-legged creatures so many of us fear.Spiders rule in this film. They attack people and the general havoc, pretty much devastation. This film provides to send goose bumps down your spine, because spiders are just plain creepy. Be sure to satellite TV guide to check to see this movie.

The Innocents: This movie was in 1961 based on the novella by Henry James Turn of the Screw. Ghosts real or imaginary, you decide to make this film very afraid fixed. Although there are no big special effects or high-definitionShots, this film is quite frightening.

The Wicker Man The Wicker Man original and not the Nicholas Cage remake is definitely much scarier. It is filled with atmospheric nuances that you will be asked to stop. In the film, a British police officer heads out to a remote island, which plays at home, a group of residents just a cult. Although this horror film is not even a minute thrill it is worth the Clock packed.

Rosemary's Baby: The Roman Polanski film is incredibly difficult. TwoPeople, Rosemary and Guy Woodhouse move into an apartment for less than a great reputation, and then bad things happen has started. This classic is a must. Scroll back to find out through your satellite TV guide to when you can catch this little gem of a horror movie.

The Brut: This 1979 Film focuses on a man who has it in the therapist of his wife. He wants a look at his techniques he uses to get his mental patient wife. There are a lot of blood and Gore in this film, a long with aTies of mutant children. This is one of the stranger to horror.

Eraserhead: David Lynch is known for his strange and surreal works, and this is definitely one of the odder ones known from his work. Eraserhead unsettle used many strange pictures for you. Eraserhead's shapeless son will definitely make your hair stand on end.

Amityville Horror: A young family in her first movies at home. The house happened to be haunted. Bad things will. A ghost cries out to get a priestAnd it is glowing red eyes in the walls. It is based on a true story based.

Saw: The film series is known for its cruel and bloody scenes known. Limbs get chopped off. Blood spurts everywhere. Jigsaw, the serial killer behind all this Gore is more than happy to play games with the poor victims. Watch this in HD, to the best of the visuals.

The Grudge: This Japanese horror film definitely made a mark. Of the boy to mind the massive amounts of black hair ghostWill be trembling in your horror, you can boot. HD is a must.

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Space Battleship Yamato: The Movie

Space Battleship Yamato: The Movie Review

Space Battleship Yamato was the source material for the anime that would become known in the U.S. as Star Blazers. This movie takes the twenty-six episode series and whittles it down to a 135 minute film, only using the sections of the series that are absolutely necessary to tell the main story of the series (the Earth being polluted by the Planet Gamilus, the crew of the rebuilt Yamato making the 148,000 light year voyage to Iscandar to get a neutralizer to rid Earth of the pollution... and must accomplish it all within one Earth year).

This isn't bad for what it is, which is an overview film for the first season. The DVD release also includes the original theatrical trailer and alternate animation footage (both of which are subtitled), the original program book (which is translated), a gallery of promotional art, and a history behind the Yamato franchise.

Space Battleship Yamato: The Movie Feature

Space Battleship Yamato: The Movie Overview

Space Battleship Yamato: The Movie Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 25, 2009 10:21:07

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Landmark of Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis'

Fritz Lang was to most of his colleagues, known as a "control freak". It is well known that it difficult and very demanding work with. Perfection is reached, that Long sought after and constantly in his opinion, are rare. There were even some who claimed that he was a complete sadist, both in industrial relations and in his private life. A part of Lang, most likely in these rumors and stories are, perhaps even encourages them to some degree. He enjoyed hisMonocle and challenging role as archetypal German film director. Is whether all, some or none of the rumors true about Lang is irrelevant if you are down to the bones of this maybe-monsters. The man was a visionary of his time and a visual genius of his time.

The highlight of the career of Fritz Lang was well distributed in the years 1922 to 1933, when classics like "Dr.Mabuse ',' Siegfried ',' spies', 'M', 'Woman in the Moon" and, of course, created' Metropolis'. If there is aFilm by Fritz Lang then remember it would have to 'Metropolis'. In his quest for perfection, most would agree that was the nearest he ever got.

With "Metropolis" Everything was from the beginning. The script, written by his then-wife Thea von Harbou, was fantastically constructed from beginning to end. The way that she managed to juggle, and elements that the class system of coexistence, the dangers of modernization, spirituality, love, evil, heroism and Mediationwas breathtaking. The story is biblical comparisons, references and pictures widespread. It is a story so simple at heart, within its own complexity.

At the time of its production, "Metropolis" was the most expensive film ever made. If you've seen it (and if you do not then you really should be ashamed of his head), then you know that this is evident from the outset. The huge quantities of used thousands of extras, the technology of visual effectsand the eighteen months of filming and production. All these and other factors, the cost of the film to a staggering 7 million Reichsmark.

On its release, 'Metropolis' left the audience in amazement and disbelief that she had seen. Never before has a film-maker with a futuristic computers, high-tech skyscrapers created, roads and exposed under vehicles. Of course, the film is now known as the father of all science - fiction movies. Younot really, that Ridley Scott came up with all of the wonderful pictures of his masterpiece, "Blade Runner", all by himself, is not it?

"Metropolis" is a film that is still very big in the cinema today. Even with the world's best CGI you are not guaranteed to create a classic. This was demonstrated very well with so many modern science fiction films. Lang's "Metropolis" is something special to be seen again and again. The shapes of the shadows and the masses, thebeautiful Brigitte Helm, the repulsive Rotwang and his colorful robot.

When out of Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" he achieved true greatness. It is a great milestone of film stills expressionist shadows touched the hearts of thousands today. In recent years, a terrible epidemic on its way through Hollywood, which was the "revival of the classics." There were also serious discussions going on to try to "new" Lang's "Metropolis". This is a very unsettling thoughtand conjures up a terrible fear. Is anyone in the film industry ever learn? Also, if something works, why fix the problem? And 'Metropolis' works with a precision industrial, scientific precision and artistic flair.

วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef Review

I watched this movie and enjoyed it verfy much. In 1953 when I was still a young man I visited Tarpon Springs Florida Docks where there were many sponge warehouses. There was a classic boat floating off the dock. Seated on the dock surrounded by a half dozen young girls was Robert Wagner signing his autograph. At the time I didn't know him but I did say "Who in the world is this guy" He stared back at me and didn't say a word. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was shining in his eyes. I still remember those piercing eyes.
At that time I had a Pontiac Convertible and by chance in the back streets of Tarpon Springs came upon Terry Moore. She was driving a Jeep. I enjoyed playing with her following her in my car. It was an enjoyable experience which I will never forget.
My point is that most of the underwater scenes were made off Taron Springs a fact that very few people know.

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef Feature

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef Overview

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef is a landmark, or rather watermark. The third ever CinemaScope production this was a prestige release, with Florida, Key West location Technicolor filming of never-before-achieved underwater cinematography, and four-channel stereo recording of a superlative Bernard Herrmann score. Even a still-impressive underwater battle with an octopus pre-dates the more famous giant squid of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954). The humans aren't bad either, with a young Robert Wagner making a charismatic if ethnically unconvincing Greek lead as sponge fisherman Tony, and Terry Moore playing Juliet to his Romeo with real vivacity. --Gary S. Dalkin

Beneath the 12-Mile Reef Specifications

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 23, 2009 08:43:07

วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Back to the Future Part II

Back to the Future Part II Review

This movie is all over the place, but it is fantastic every year Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd go to. First they go to 2015 where cars fly ( 6 yrs away, can we do it for real?) and they save Marty McFly Jr from jail, however a Sports Almanac that Marty from 1985 bought and left behind was taken by Grandpa Griff who goes to 1955 to give to Biff from that year and makes him an evil corrupt JR Ewing type. Fox and Lloyd return to a miserable 1985, of course discover it had to do with the Sports Almanac and all the scores of the games which Biff bet and won since he knew who would win. They 2 travel back to 1955 to get the almanac back. This is where it gets incredible with scenes from the first film shot in different perspectives now including 2 Marty McFly's the one from 1955 to save his father and the one from the corrupt 1985 to get the almanac to make 1985 'normal' again. Basically it incorporates this movie into the first film, mainly at the dance where you see McFly doing his guitar bit, while the other McFly is above him getting ready to attack Biff's friends. There are plenty of Biff and Mcfly characters everywhere. Just a non stop action fest right from the opening credits. Highly recommended. If you have never seen this, don't wait another second. Superior film making in my opinion.Excellent blend of scifi,comedy,adventure and great family fun..This DVD has bonus features like commentary , interviews, deleted scenes and is an upgrade from the box set for that reason..

Back to the Future Part II Feature

Back to the Future Part II Overview


Back to the Future Part II Specifications

Critics and audiences didn't seem too happy with this inventive, perhaps too clever sequel to the popular 1985 comedy about a high school kid (Michael J. Fox) who travels into the past and has to bring his parents together (or lose his own existence). Director Robert Zemeckis and cast bent over backwards to add layers of time-travel complication to this follow-up, and while it surely exercises the brain it isn't necessarily funny in the same way that its predecessor was. It's well worth a visit, though, just to appreciate the imagination that went into it, particularly in a finale that has Fox's character watching his own actions from the first film. --Tom Keogh

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 22, 2009 08:21:08

วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552


Creator Review

Peter O'Toole's best work to date. Ms Hemingway was excellent in this film despite the fact that it was one her first starring roles ('Lipstick' may have been filmed first). This movie will bring happy tears to your eyes... It is an incredible story about a Scientist who wishes to clone his dead wife and his relationship with the woman who volunteers to help him do so. This and 'The Doctor' are classics and must see - must have in your library or collection of art/films. I always recommend buying TWO of the classics so you can share or loan one to others. You WILL want to share it...

Creator Feature

  • Dr. Harry Wolper, a lonely biologist, is unable to let go of the memory of his beloved wife who died 25 years earlier during childbirth. Armed with his genius as a biologist/physician, he is intent on mastering the process of creating life. Specifically in the form of his dead wife. All that's standing in his way is the university, the faculty, the laws of nature and about 20 local ordinances!

Creator Overview

Exuding the charm and grace for which he seems to hold the patent, Peter O'Toole plays Doctor Harry Wolper, a renowned research biologist whose pet project is to clone his sorely missed wife, dead now for 30 years. Assisting him in fine fashion are Meli (Mariel Hemingway), a self-proclaimed 19-year-old nymphomaniac bent on capturing the affections of Dr. Wolper, and a research assistant (Vincent Spano), whose love interest is fellow student Virgina Madsen. This sweet and enjoyable romantic comedy is brought to a head when the Madsen character drops suddenly into a coma. Then Wolper's nemesis, played almost lovably by David Ogden Stiers, thwarts his cloning attempts by reclaiming the stolen equipment he's using to do so. While Dr. Wolper preaches the beauty of The Big Picture as a way of apprehending life, this one is decidedly a small picture, but in the sense of being attuned to small details, probably owing to the foreign sensibilities of Czech director Ivan Passer (Cutter's Way). The many disparate plot threads are eventually brought into harmony, though the sheer number of them may seem a jumble to many viewers. Better to let the big picture take care of itself, and content oneself with the many smaller pleasures this delightful film affords. --Jim Gay

Creator Specifications

Dr. Harry Wolper, a lonely biologist, is unable to let go of the memory of his beloved wife who died 25 years earlier during childbirth. Armed with his genius as a biologist/physician, he is intent on mastering the process of creating life. Specifically in the form of his dead wife. All that's standing in his way is the university, the faculty, the laws of nature and about 20 local ordinances!
But just when he is about to unravel the mystery of life, a sexy young assistant moves in and captures his heart. Now, the only life that comes unraveled is his own. A wild and wonderful fantasy that is comically brought together by a wacky professor and his free spirited assistants.

Age: 031398703839
UPC: 031398703839
Manufacturer No: VM7038D

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 08, 2009 15:37:06

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The X-Files (DVD) Review

For 12 Golden Globes and 61 Emmys, including 4 for Outstanding Drama Series, The X-Files Nominated one of the most popular science in the world - fiction drama shows. Created in fall 1993 premiere on the Fox Network, home of the popular programs like The Simpsons (1989) and King Of The Hill (1997), The X-Files: an entire fictional world of conspiracies and secret organizations, building a legion of fanatical followers as devoted to the series as Trekkies are to Star Trek.Creator Cris Carter, a former writer for numerous TV shows in the late-80s/early-90s - The Nanny (1993) is one example - brings the most beautiful parts of the tension-laden spy novels and alien science fiction. The result is one of the Top Sci-fi brands that ever produced, spawning its own line of products and even a full length feature film - The X-Files: Fight the Future (1998). With nine successful seasons to its credit, The X-Files is one of the longest running science-fictionSeries in television history ...

The X-Files follows the exploits of four FBI agents charged with investigating a series of unsolved and mysterious cases only as "The X-Files known" about. FBI special agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), John Doggett (Robert Patrick) and Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish) are the main representatives of the investigation of these unusual cases which could not be solved by conventional test methods . But Mulder and Scully in particular playprominent role in the series. The development of partnership and friendship between the two over the course of the series indicates the tone for their investigations into the paranormal with Scully, a doctor who plays the skeptic too deep-rooted faith Mulder widespread government conspiracies and alien abductions. Through the course of the series, The X-Files a wide range of frightening and mysterious subjects from killer insects and mysterious world governmental organizations covers the colonizationthe Earth by parasitic aliens. He adds his own unique brand of humor and an original blend of creativity that fans of the genre certainly appreciate that ...

The X-Files DVD offers a number of voltage studded with episodes of the series premiere in which FBI Special Agent Dana Scully is initially paired with Agent Fox Mulder for his work on a specific project like "The X-Files will help announce" . While Mulder is a true believer in alien abductions and other extraordinary events, Scullyis a skeptic, the evidence with a rational eye studies. For the first case, the two agencies are to Oregon, where she believes the murder cases of several high school classmates, which Mulder, the common bond of having been abducted by aliens ... Other notable episodes from Season 1 trial include "Deep Throat" in which Mulder had his first contact with a mysterious informant named "Deep Throat" () is a recurring character, his knowledge of the truth behind many cases, X-file, and displays"Miracle Man", in which a man host the ability to heal people by touch is uneasy when cured several such people, after the ...

Below is a list of episodes included on the X-Files (Season 1) DVD:

Episode 1 (Pilot) Air Date: 09-10-1993
Episode 2 (Deep Throat) Air Date: 09-17-1993
Episode 3 (Squeeze) Air Date: 09-24-1993
Episode 4 (conduit) Air Date: 10-01-1993
Episode 5 (The Jersey Devil) Air Date: 10-08-1993
Episode 6 (Shadows) Air Date:10-22-1993
Episode 7 (Ghost in the Machine) Air Date: 10-29-1993
Episode 8 (Ice) Air Date: 11-05-1993
Episode 9 (Space) Air Date: 11-12-1993
Episode 10 (Fallen Angel) Air Date: 11-19-1993
Episode 11 (Eve) Air Date: 12-10-1993
Episode 12 (Fire) Air Date: 12-17-1993
Episode 13 (Beyond the Sea) Air Date: 01-07-1994
Episode 14 (Gender Bender) Air Date: 01-21-1994
Episode 15 (Lazarus) Air Date: 02-04-1994
Episode 16 (Young at Heart) Air Date:02-11-1994
Episode 17 (EBE) Air Date: 02-18-1994
Episode 18 (Miracle Man) Air Date: 03-18-1994
Episode 19 (Shapes) Air Date: 04-01-1994
Episode 20 (Darkness Falls) Air Date: 04-15-1994
Episode 21 (Tooms) Air Date: 04-22-1994
Episode 22 (Born Again) Air Date: 04-29-1994
Episode 23 (Roland) Air Date: 05-06-1994
Episode 24 (the Erlenmeyer flask) Air Date: 05-13-1994

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Time Machine (1960)

This is my pick for the greatest film I have ever seen in my life so far. I explain why in more detail. I saw this movie when I was a teenager, I first saw only a part of it, I was with my father in an electronics store, and they had a game there on one of the TV. I could catch only a part of it, and thought it was really awesome when I saw it first. I saw this blue-skinned Morlocks to be fighting this guy, what appeared in a cave. They had greatglowing eyes, and looked like a real big bad monster. I was impressed to say the least, once I wanted the film from the beginning to see, to my great joy that I was late this week in a position to see it on a VHS video rentals from a local video stores too.

I like science fiction movies, but I like all genres, this one stands for me. Director George Pal brings great life in this novel, the adaptation of the legendary author Herbert George Wells (HG Wells). TheSpecial effects are a bit dated, but hey, it happened way back in 1960. The main character cleverly named George H. Wells is the actor Rod Taylor starred in the Alfred Hitchcock classic "The Birds (1963). I would have him on future legend Harrison Ford out to compare our time.

The story goes like this, build an Englishman from the turn of the century, a time machine, which he can observe everything around him in a glance. He decided to adventure out of time goes by, and whathe finds, he decides to take effect on that date that there is no going back. He makes friends with the Endangered Eloi and decides to help her out because, as their world has changed in a quiet but has become a terribly. This film would be nice to see with your children or other family members and friends. I think it is a must for everyone to see! This is really great classic film and the cast and crew specifically for this period has a very good work together and share them.

It was a remake ofThe film with Guy Pierce called The Time Machine (2002), I enjoyed it too, but does not compare to the original by all means. See what happens to mankind in the future adventures.

วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Cartoons - Superman

The Superman character was probably one of the most famous creations in history. Superman first appeared in comic books. But it was not until Superman cartoons were that people really have the chance to see the Man of Steel in action. We will briefly look at the history and characters of the Superman comic checked.

It was not until 1941 that to be the first Superman comic came. Paramount Pictures, this year a series of cartoons that were based on the SupermanComic book so popular. The first nine of these cartoons were produced by Fleischer Studios. But they did not last long. In 1942, Fleischer Studios was little dust and famous studios, which went on to produce eight more of these cartoons. At that time the largest budget cartoons were over. This was during the so-called Golden Age of American animation.

The Fleischer brothers initially tried to do at Paramount, by the cartoons holdthem that it would cost about $ 100,000 per episode. At the time, that was an amazing amount of money that approximately four times the cost of a typical case for the time. But Paramount went out not to fear. They saw great things and you agree to the budget. The Fleischer brothers were now committed to the project.

The first cartoon in the series, which was simply called only Superman was the first time on 26 Shown September, 1941. This year it was nominated for an Oscar for bestanimated short subject. It did not take to win, but lose to Lend A Paw, was the Walt Disney cartoon. But it did not matter. Superman had his mark on the cartoon world.

Unfortunately for Max and Dave Fleischer, in the first nine cartoons, Paramount took over production and threw the brothers on the street. Those times were very brutal. The appearance of the cartoon does not itself change, but not the stories. The first nine cartoons had a science-fictionfeel that it was seen as Superman fighting robots, creatures from outer space, and a number of other things that you normally can not be found walking around our planet. After the change, but Superman began on the so-called Second World War propaganda concentrate.

Knowing the first nine cartoons, the classic opening lines of the Superman radio series that came and we all love. The last eight of these lines has changed drastically, until they no longer recognized. But the cartoonsthemselves were still very entertaining.

The early voice of Superman has been provided by Bud Collyer. He was also the voice of Superman in the radio series. The voice of Lois Lane was supplied by Joan Alexander, also played the same role in the radio series on the side of Collyer.

After the 17 short films was the series sold, but that was not the end of Superman. Other cartoons depicting the Man of Steel have come to the 1990s, the animated Superman series and included thefeature-length animated film, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Science Fiction - The Engine Behind Summer Blockbusters

The tradition of anticipating (west) summer feature-length films with the best special effects spectacle from the top 3D animation studios in Hollywood never following a deep if not for the invention of the genre science-fiction literature. Sci-fi, as it affectionately called more is used by film and literature enthusiasts, covers a wide range of topics and situations, which employs the wonders of science.

Because a lot of imagination andCreativity is involved, Sci-Fi requires the help of world-class computer-generated 3D animation, special effects realistically involve viewers in the mise-en-scene or the world created by the movies. Thus, Sci-Fi is almost always in the realm of fantasy (positive side of science () and fear the negative impact).

Sci-Fi is a hotbed of ideas, with very attractive scientific ideas are examined in the context of a society - especially its impact on the way peopleConduct their lives with certain technologies in their lives. The more common science-fiction scenarios that will be thoroughly investigated alternative timelines in the future (of the Terminator franchise), travel in space (Star Trek), interactions with aliens (ET - Extra Terrestrial), the fight against the laws of nature To travel (The Matrix) and other complicated scientific principles such as time, psionics, nanotechnology, traveling at light speed, and dystopia (where anarchyprevailed).

But what exactly is science fiction? Critics and fans have trouble defining a series of drawers for Science Fiction. Already in the 1970s, science fiction was not used to direct the big-budget summer blockbusters from Hollywood. It has been used by film critics to refer to the lower, low-budget B-movies.

The more popular writers of the sci-fi genre are also at a loss over a specific definition for the entireLiterary realm. Mark C. Glassy proposed to use the obscenity benchmark to determine a science-fiction work - "you do not know what it is, but you know it when you see him." Vladimir Nabokov said that if definitions were strict, Shakespeare's artwork "The storm could be included as the genus. For Rod Serling, science fiction is" the impossible possible, "compared with imagination," is impossible toprobably is. "

Sci-Fi, some roots out of the imaginative nature of ancient mythology. As with the earlier works of science fiction literature, one of the first recognized work is Kepler's Somnium, which shows a journey to the moon. Other previous bibliography of science fiction are Micromegas Voltaire and Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels.

In addition to the wealth of science-fiction literary works of Mary Shelley'sBooks Frankenstein and The Last Man, too, the famous poet Edgar Allan Poe joined the fun by a story about flying to the moon. With the introduction of important technologies such as electricity, efficient transport and the telegraph, luminaries such as Jules Verne (Around the World in 80 Days) and HG Wells (War of the Worlds).

There have been many paradigm shift in the approach of science fiction writers over the years. Cyberpunk authors such asWilliam Gibson started, combined with optimism from the typical sci-fiprogress. Push on the other hand, the emergence in the popular culture of the blockbuster Star Wars George Lucas's space opera brought the popularity of Star Trek - and gave a premium on narrative and character development rather than accuracy of scientific speculation. According to all scientific ideas were merely fictitious, so why bother to explain it in a detailed way? But this much istrue: Science fiction has a solid niche in the entertainment values of people around the world etched.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Sci-Fi Classics 100 Movie Pack

Sci-Fi Classics 100 Movie Pack Review

I got this collection for my dad who is a huge movie buff. He was blown away by the collection.

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Sci-Fi Classics 100 Movie Pack Overview

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