วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Landmark of Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis'

Fritz Lang was to most of his colleagues, known as a "control freak". It is well known that it difficult and very demanding work with. Perfection is reached, that Long sought after and constantly in his opinion, are rare. There were even some who claimed that he was a complete sadist, both in industrial relations and in his private life. A part of Lang, most likely in these rumors and stories are, perhaps even encourages them to some degree. He enjoyed hisMonocle and challenging role as archetypal German film director. Is whether all, some or none of the rumors true about Lang is irrelevant if you are down to the bones of this maybe-monsters. The man was a visionary of his time and a visual genius of his time.

The highlight of the career of Fritz Lang was well distributed in the years 1922 to 1933, when classics like "Dr.Mabuse ',' Siegfried ',' spies', 'M', 'Woman in the Moon" and, of course, created' Metropolis'. If there is aFilm by Fritz Lang then remember it would have to 'Metropolis'. In his quest for perfection, most would agree that was the nearest he ever got.

With "Metropolis" Everything was from the beginning. The script, written by his then-wife Thea von Harbou, was fantastically constructed from beginning to end. The way that she managed to juggle, and elements that the class system of coexistence, the dangers of modernization, spirituality, love, evil, heroism and Mediationwas breathtaking. The story is biblical comparisons, references and pictures widespread. It is a story so simple at heart, within its own complexity.

At the time of its production, "Metropolis" was the most expensive film ever made. If you've seen it (and if you do not then you really should be ashamed of his head), then you know that this is evident from the outset. The huge quantities of used thousands of extras, the technology of visual effectsand the eighteen months of filming and production. All these and other factors, the cost of the film to a staggering 7 million Reichsmark.

On its release, 'Metropolis' left the audience in amazement and disbelief that she had seen. Never before has a film-maker with a futuristic computers, high-tech skyscrapers created, roads and exposed under vehicles. Of course, the film is now known as the father of all science - fiction movies. Younot really, that Ridley Scott came up with all of the wonderful pictures of his masterpiece, "Blade Runner", all by himself, is not it?

"Metropolis" is a film that is still very big in the cinema today. Even with the world's best CGI you are not guaranteed to create a classic. This was demonstrated very well with so many modern science fiction films. Lang's "Metropolis" is something special to be seen again and again. The shapes of the shadows and the masses, thebeautiful Brigitte Helm, the repulsive Rotwang and his colorful robot.

When out of Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" he achieved true greatness. It is a great milestone of film stills expressionist shadows touched the hearts of thousands today. In recent years, a terrible epidemic on its way through Hollywood, which was the "revival of the classics." There were also serious discussions going on to try to "new" Lang's "Metropolis". This is a very unsettling thoughtand conjures up a terrible fear. Is anyone in the film industry ever learn? Also, if something works, why fix the problem? And 'Metropolis' works with a precision industrial, scientific precision and artistic flair.

