วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552


Warbirds Review

Warbirds: DVD review
Grade: B
The Sci-Fi channels movies are usual good, but I must start out this review by saying that this is probably the best movie it has made. Yes, I did give it a grade B, but I did that for a reason about the DVD, not the movie itself. (More on that later in the review.) People usually judge Sci-Fi movies, almost stereotyping them, and it just makes me mad, furious, because if you're going to take the time to watch a Sci-Fi movie in the first place, you can't really expect to find the next Oscar nominee for best picture. You're crazy if you do.
Yes, their movies are usual laughingly low-budgeted (they almost seem to take pride in the fact), but the simple truth is this: their movies are fun to watch; they're simple entertainment, in this case, Pterodons assaulting a group of Woman's Airforce Service Pilots.
The movie starts off with a group of Japanese soldiers mining for oil on an island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific, and the time is in the final days of World War 2. The Japanese unearth some preserved Pteranodon eggs, and they hatch and run amok from there. Simple, yet highly entertaining plot, and no, the plot is not only for the weak-minded; the Pteranodons don't even have much screen-time, which is my only complaint about the movie. (More dinosaurs!! Needs more dinosaurs!!!)

The acting is also surprisingly good for a Sci-Fi movie, and the characters don't always act suicidal, like in other recent Sci-Fi movies, such as Yeti. Yes, you do feel for the characters, and you do want them to get out of their situation alive.
The other problem with the movie though is the special effects. The Pteranodons look great (their made using CGI effects), but did they really have to make almost everything else CGI? I mean, even the ocean is CGI in some parts. Once again, kind of cheap guys.
As for the DVD itself, the cover is sort of misleading. At first glance, it appears as if there is a Tyrannosaurus Rex attacking the planes. There is no Tyrannosaurus Rex in the movie. If you want to see Pteranodons and T. Rex's in one movie, go watch Pterodactyl. (Which is not as great as this movie.)
Another problem with the DVD is the special features. I wasn't exactly expecting a whole "making of" documentary, but I wanted at least something else! All there is to the special features is the trailer for the movie, and a trailer for some other movie. That's it. Whoop-dee-doo.
Overall, if you love dinosaurs and the Sci-Fi channel, this is a must-see. They really hit gold with this one, I just wish they would keep making gold like this all the time...But it never hurts to dream, does it?

Warbirds Feature

Warbirds Overview

Studio: Starz/sphe Release Date: 01/13/2009 Run time: 86 minutes

Warbirds Specifications

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 28, 2009 12:35:07

