วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

CG special effects - are no longer special?

There is a growing trend in the high-budget film for special effects, the star of the show, but a strong story or a script convincing. Granted, many people simply breathing, this form of visual pop corn in large quantities, but films of half-chaos is not always in the sense of being a part of the drama are fully measured. Is not regularly in film production has a look at the classics of their genre and has taken a few hours? Yes, we are now in a positionliterally nothing to show on the screen, no matter how bizarre the imagination of writers and directors, but there is a risk that there is always the main attraction of the film, instead of moving, happy, fun does not encourage or celluloid.

Check out the first Alien film. There are some massive elements of a magnificent landscape that there are now some of the legendary science fiction and horror films, but here is the thingnot the fear that makes and gets the adrenaline pumping. Rarely will you see the strange creatures in the film, which makes it startling that the audience will be taken to see what they create in the dark, by their imagination. Now we've done all the ingredients are used in CG in a hurry, so that the imagination and the replacement of fear and terror, with the painful process of thinking Oh, "Composite Nice.

It is also the question of injury against the economic consequences CGEffects. While many incredible can reach with CG, it starts really the art of cinema, if you pause to the center of the blood and the effects make-up. An example would be "Land of the Dead, where a large part of the wing Gore based computer generated action plans and in the darkness, makes the appearance of blood as if it were to death in the original video game Mortal Kombat.

I think CG should be used sparingly, and when they should be usedThings that are impossible to create in order to physical effects or camera tricks. While the computer generated creatures may appear incredible, do not seem to always have enough weight and mass, such as bear the loss and ethereal about what we want, is Stompy and chaotic. It is necessary to find a balance, but as long as the studies to movies in full screen against a green pepper, and mussels with their characters continue to be generated post-production, we really want that publicoutside of history and reality of control that was how it happened, but. It must receive a compensation for the future of the sector as a whole and the perception of future guests and spectators to stay.

