วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Good vs. Evil - A story often told

Cinema Classic good stories. The kind of science fiction often expresses the central theme of good verses evil. One of my favorite series Star Wars: George Lucas. My children are drawn to this series published, and enjoy the Episode IV, the first film. Even if you're not a fan of science fiction, this film is very likely that you are aware.

The question is: What message is being said on the screen? How do I use aClassic films to teach my children my beliefs about good and evil?

The answer is: We can use our understanding of children in the establishment of effective dialogue. Just to clarify our belief in the conversation, we send our children the critical thinking skills.

This is what we know:

This is a good source of energy.
It is a source of evil.
Conflicts arise when they are found two energy sources.
Children are presented with good stories to harmthrough the media and literature.
The experience of reporting child with the right people.
Children feel the effects of evil in the world.
Children must find a way, the injustices that occur around them, develop.

How can you take the story of Star Wars movies, or other good verses evil and to teach your beliefs?

You sit with your child to see the film.
He pays attention to details of the story.
You take the child in aDiscussion.

What questions you can ask your child? First surprised by the answers to your children. Encourage the child to share their ideas with you to first extend a few simple questions to help "more to grow.

How to tell if something is good?
How to identify if there is something wrong?
That in the story is good? How do you say that?
This story is bad? How do you say that?
What kinds of things youare good?
What things do not go well?
If you are a character in the story that you would be? What would he do differently if this character?
What options you have when people around you are not good?
What happens if you to make good decisions about your friends?

The above questions should initiate discussions with your children about good verses evil. Depending on the maturity and experiencethe child, can you expand the discussion. There have been recent experience, can help from the child to be won worst-case scenario of what can happen, understand? Does your child have problems with their own ideas about the sources of good and evil? Although we as parents want to protect our children, I think we are mistaken if we do not discuss the current ills. We live in an age that demands honest answers. You have a choice. You can get your children yourIdeas about good and evil, or someone who can influence the thinking of your son.

My challenge to you: You know, what are your ideas of good and evil. Make communicate a common language and a way of your beliefs, your children.

