วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Iron Man Birthday Party Ideas

I'm not sure what kind of throw a birthday party for your children, but you know that your son or daughter who loves comics and science fiction.

You can see her collection of cartoons, sci-fi movie, if you know it's a start. The problem is deciding what will be used for the party.

Iron Man Birthday Party Theme

Since Iron Man was a film recently released, is very cool and trendy. This is in the minds of children andIt's cool! Now he knows how to throw the kind of party, but you can always add activities, fun for everyone.

By Jigsaw Puzzle

Get an extra set of Iron Man Theme dishes and each guest has his own puzzle mow trading, and a competition to see how fast you can put the puzzle together!

To play a guessing game

There are many different kinds of puzzles you can play, and this is one of them. Ask eachKid writes his favorite food, color, location, etc.. If you have all the movie then ask them to write, to reduce their favorite character and scene. Then everyone will have the opportunity to try to understand how some of the possible questions whose favorite character or scene that is. The adult or child, or host a birthday child can be the leader. It could be a price as a PDA or a sticker extraball Iron Man for customers who guesses correctly, or is the first answerright.

Iron Man says

Simon Says is an old favorite, especially for young children. Why not play Iron Man said. Follow the normal rules of Simon Says, but the game Simon Nobody tries to act or talk like their favorite character Iron Man

Role Play

Put the names of all their favorite characters in a hat or a box of tissues and for all draw a name at random to. Then ask them to play a role in select Scene. If I can not remember a scene of theirto be creative and be myself. Children with imagination and keeps them busy and laughing.

Design your own armor of Iron Man

Because protecting the armor of Iron Man used both and keep it alive, let the kids a design of next-generation armor. What would that be? Could all caches from? Let your imagination run wild. They have not only discuss, but put into practice!

Write a mini-suite

You've seen the film or read the comics, butWhat happens next? Let's decide what happens next, with a history of the group. This can be written, or even to talk.

