Akira [UMD for PSP] Review
I have a small collection of movies in UMD format, and I try to collect any anime releases that come out in that format. Some of the releases are disappointing. For example, Ghost in the Shell and Ninja Scroll (both Manga releases) have no extra features - no choice of audio track, no subtitles, rudimentary menus, and and overall "soft" image quality. Ninja Scroll is also presented in the controversial "wide screen" version even though the original film was in a 4:3 aspect ratio. All in all, Manga has given short shrift to the UMD format, bringing out barely adequate releases.
Geneon, on the other hand, has produced superior products in their UMD releases. Akira and Appleseed (both Geneon releases) act and feel like their big brother DVDs. Interesting menus, audio tracks in both the original Japanese and English, and English subtitles. Picture quality is razor sharp, the way it should be for the PSP's superior screen.
The Akira UMD has very good stereo imaging, and a crisp image. If you are a fan of this landmark anime you will be pleased by the excellent presentation that Geneon has given it in the UMD format.
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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 03, 2010 01:37:15