El Hombre Sin Sombra (Hollow Man) Review
I'm not sure why everyone is dissecting this movie. Its not Shakespeare people! This movie is nothing more than an entertaining thriller. Sebastian (Kevin Bacon) plays a genius scientist who uses himself as a guinea pig when his science team successfully figure out how to bring back animals who are made invisible. Sebastian and his team in a meeting with the Pentagon fail to tell them that they have figured out how to bring animals back from invisbility. In other words, Sebastian want to keep that knowledge and power to himself despite the government funding his research. Sebastian then volunteers to become invisible as the first human guinea pig. Sebastian is successfully made invisible after nearly dying on the table, but once his viatals are stablized, the team is unable to bring him back to normal. Days and weeks pass then all hell breaks lose. The movie clearly explains why Sebastian goes crazy but everyone posting here is questioning it. After Sebastian's team fail to bring him back to normal and he is locked in the facility, he starts to lose his mind, conscience, morals, everthing. Get it? Hollow Man. Anyway it's the affects of the invisibility serum that causes psychosis which I thought is clearly explained in the film. After Sebastian sneaks away from the facility they warn Sebastian. In his anger he kills a dog in the facility and that's when Elisabeth Shue and Josh Brolin decide to tell the Pentagon and the rest of the team finds out the Pentagon doesn't know about Sebastian becoming invisible. At this point Sebastian is completely psychotic and starts killing everyone who knows (the science team) to stay invisible. I watch this movie every time I catch it on HBO and I'm buying the DVD when I get a chance. I enjoy this movie and of course watching Josh Brolin. Elisabeth Shue plays Sebastian's former girlfriend and the one who saves the day in the film without giving it away too much. I love this movie and the great performances in it and don't get what all the negative comments are about. If you want to see a thrilling movie that gets more fast paced and exciting as it nears its climax then I recommend this movie. I love it.
El Hombre Sin Sombra (Hollow Man) Overview
In Paul Verhoeven's appropriately shallow Hollow Man, Kevin Bacon plays a bad-boy egotistical scientist who heads up a double-secret government team experimenting with turning life-forms invisible. How do we know he's a bad boy? Because he (a) wears a leather overcoat, (b) compares himself to God, (c) drives a sports car, and (d) spies on his comely next-door neighbor while eating Twinkies. Sadly, this is the most character development anyone gets in this undernourished action/sci-fi thriller, which boasts some amazing special effects and some amazingly ridiculous plot twists. After experimenting rather ruthlessly on a menagerie of lab animals, Bacon finally cracks the code that will turn the invisible gorillas, dogs, and so on, back into their visible forms. Does it work on humans? Faster than you can say "six degrees," Mr. Bacon appoints himself human guinea pig, strapping down for an injection of fluorescent-colored serum. Thanks to some phenomenal, seamless and Oscar-worthy computer effects, Bacon is indeed rendered invisible, organ by organ, vein by vein. And what's the first thing you'd do if you were invisible? Why, spy on your female coworkers in the bathroom and molest your comely next-door neighbor, of course! Soon, Bacon is thoroughly psychotic, and it's up to Elisabeth Shue (Bacon's coworker and ex-girlfriend) and hunky Josh Brolin (her current snuggle bunny) to defeat the invisible man, who's picking off the science team one by one. You'd think this would be a prime opportunity for copious amounts of cheesy sex and aggressive violence--which Verhoeven served up so well and so exuberantly in Starship Troopers and Basic Instinct--but if anything, the director seems to tone down the proceedings, and really, who wants a muted Paul Verhoeven movie? Shue (who got top billing and a bad haircut to boot) and Brolin (who, yes, does take off his shirt at least once) generate little heat, and while Bacon does give an effective, primarily voice-oriented performance, his character is so underdeveloped that, well, you can see right through him. --Mark Englehart
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