BOTTOM LINE: Science socket, and visually stunning - Thriller, so that only a weak second half of the psycho / foreign-kill crew subplot.
THE GOOD: Sunshine of classics like "2001 inspired: A Space Odyssey," "Alien" and "Blade Runner" in the visual department, and it shows: The pictures are absolutely outstanding. The film also shares some tonal quality, which adds the sense of realism that runs through these fabulous viewsFilm. Really felt like I was there, and is credited to director Danny Boyle and his team have succeeded in this world with a budget far less than expected to make (the film looks like a $ 100 + miles but was only briefly over half of them). The scenario with the "relaunch" of the sun, is to save the solar system and intelligent, with plenty of space to a series of philosophical discussions and intelligently on the place of humans given in the universe.The cast is excellent, without the use of large stars are only seen Cillian Murphy and Michelle Yeoh best possible way. Murphy, in particular, was an interesting choice, I had always associated with men crazy, because he was not so good, but this time he plays the straight guy totally convincing. The film is a wonderful film, and it really works rather than in space ... at least during the first half of the film.
THE BAD: The last half of the film losesits application when it killed psycho-killer/alien is a secular story of an old cliché space, the crew of the ship, one after the other. It was "one million times, and because the directors believe it is necessary to put in this film, especially as the main plot was strong enough for the rest of the film support is a complete mystery. Finally, the miracle of inspiration and incredibly realistic depiction of space, that the film has created. Of course there are all the claustrophobiaAngle and how the impact on the mental health of the team, but maybe Let It Be could this time.