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Communion (Special Collector's Edition)

Communion (Special Collector's Edition) Review

What an absolutely thought-provoking movie... period. Whitley Strieber's euphoric experiences shapes our lives in ways that we could never have imagined. Movies are almost always difficult to be made and expressed in the same way as are books, but the awesome Christopher Walken pieces it together in the most brilliant way. His acting is superb. To see Christopher Walken portray the full range of emotions that overtakes an abductee such as Whitley Striber is to see his greatest acting skills ever!
Make no doubt about it, Communion brings forth to the attention of everybody watching it, the fundamental questions of life that we have all been looking for.

Communion (Special Collector's Edition) Overview

Was author Whitley Strieber telling the truth about extraterrestrial visitations in his bestselling book, Communion? Perhaps no one can really prove or disprove it, making the enigma of Strieber himself more interesting than his allegations. That's precisely the angle taken by this film adaptation, in which Christopher Walken's richly eccentric performance becomes a fascinating portrait of something more important than rumors of alien abduction--that is, human resistance and surrender to transformation. The script does an end run around the deductive process and research Strieber employed in his book to substantiate his claims. Instead, the story concentrates on the impact of those experiences on Strieber's own psyche: the disbelief, the repressed memories, the mounting helplessness and futility as the years go by.

Walken makes it all terribly compelling, from his childlike compliance to the diminutive aliens who turn up in his home at night to an unexpected story climax in which Strieber demystifies the little buggers on his own surprisingly comic terms. The supporting cast is terrific, including Lindsay Crouse as Strieber's concerned wife, Frances Sternhagen as a doctor, and Joel Carlson as Strieber's son. This is not an offering that panders to today's alleged abductees, but rather a study of a sole survivor who finds his peace on his own terms. --Tom Keogh

Communion (Special Collector's Edition) Specifications

It is a great pleasure to introduce this picture I directed in 988 in this new DVD special edition. A truly independent feature, Communion continues to be a controversial film for anyone with a closed mind. At the time it was made, as filmmakers we had to fight for the right to make it ambiguous and agnostic in regard to the issue of an alien presence. Various powerful film companies wanted a straight horror film or an outright affirmation of alien existence which would have undermined an unbiased point of view. The psychological dimensions of Whitley Strieber's extraordinary book upon which the film is based continue to facinate me and the issues raised in the film continue to engage millions. A man approached me at a UFO conference and said, "Your film is a fraud." I replied, "How can you say that?" He answered, "the aliens told me!"

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 09, 2009 05:21:15

