วันอังคารที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Creative Costume and Uniform Ideas for Your Restaurant Bar or Resort Business

Wherever we look, we see businesses such as restaurants, bars, resorts and casinos, the theme of their uniform style that match the atmosphere of their company. "That's good, but sometimes you might think that the styles are uniform and some" uniform. Of course it is understandable that you will maintain a professional image at all times. You can also feel more creative as you want to reinvent the form and restaurant uniformsConcept.

Example: If you saw the movie "Pulp Fiction", there is a restaurant, the Vincent and Mia go to the beginning of the film, which looks like a fun place to go. This is the Model of the Year 1950 "Rockabilly" era, and if you look closely, at this point, you will see some incredible uniforms "casting" in this fictional restaurant. You would of thought Buddy Holly and Marilyn Monroe look-a-likes as waiters and waitresses? O midget red bellhop uniformFew seats? Note: It is modeled on a former commercial Phillip Morris, as you call him, if he can hear his line leaving the stage: "Call for Phillip Morris!" Now that is creative theming!

For those who want to make a good impression of the most profound fashion statement, on average, try to think experimentally. Here is a list of ideas that many nervous in his fat, or too bold. But they are very original. They should not be too large, or you can modify andperhaps one of them will be thrilled!

Much of the wall ideas for a home business consistent theme:

Gothic - If it is the style or not, the Gothic youth to stay here. Is actually a hand-me-down punk rock era, but in a Victorian atmosphere. Think lots of black, very nervous, and search the web for an idea. The fact is that young people tend to go where they feel understood and accepted. Is this the wayMarket, do you have in mind, the clothing of staff, a bit of 'gothic themselves, you should your brand identity in the culture that these people are currently living Remember in. basket, they are middle-aged adults with a career and a house in the suburbs, one day, and then you'll have a certain loyalty seriously!

Superheroes - OK, had soon slipped a bit. " But I bet only one minutes later, you've seen what I did: Well, what do you expect from an employee who was a super hero?We expect excellent service, the conduct of civility, honor and trust perfect ... Hey! We also have hard workers, they are like superheroes already! It is not difficult to do than you might think to take - you take a uniform standard and add a short cape and a belt of "usefulness" of a medallion or other gimmick, and you're there. They work well for a family on the subject a pizzeria or a place that satisfied, especially for young children.

Cosplay - "Cosplay" is a word (one bag a wordCombination of two other words) play of "costume" and "." It is a subculture in Japan by the treatment as a sign of manga (manga) and anime (cartoons from Asia). Even rarer are issues such as booty watch live Japanese TV fantasy movie or Japanese pop music bands also simple.

The word is often associated with dressing for officials of the restaurant, French. This idea may be crazy, but is currently very fashionable in Chinaand Japan, as shown in the culture of monitoring sites like BoingBoing. Look at a search engine on some issues that have found creative ways to get some ideas. Strangely, it is not intended for children, but adults are, in a culture where cartoons and caricatures not be considered for all children. This would be a great success in a modern, up-to-environment-minute as a university town or a place with many technological culture like Silicon Valley, largely because of his popularity spreadthe Internet.

Science Fiction - If you are in Las Vegas, a casino has a theme of Star Trek and ride a restaurant to have been affixed to a bar and restaurant called Quark. Of course, the whole place is, you feel as if you live in the Star Trek uniforms for the staff! It can be difficult, but grew up a generation of fans of Star Trek and spent the same culture for their children - this place is a lot of money.

If you are aStar Trek uniforms, are actually useful is. Now apply this idea to other franchisees of fantasy and science fiction, with a strong result: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, futuristic or something with your "Following worship. Or just a little without going nailed to a particular work of fiction. This can be in places like an espresso bar with Internet access, such as computer enthusiasts and science fiction worksFans usually go well together.

Historical costumes - this is more in line "was previously done." Pirates, cowboys, gypsies, the ancient Egyptians, and so on. You probably have a fish restaurant with a pirate theme or tripped a bar and grill in West Texas, with staff dressed like they were living at the time the boundary of the desert. However, it is something to keep in mind - a theme costumes can add fun to your surroundings, but not too over-the-top, so you can alwaysPay attention to a serious attitude.

That's it - maybe you can find different ideas from you out of these inspirations!

