วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Doctor Who: The Mind Robber (Story 45)

Doctor Who: The Mind Robber (Story 45) Review

Since I'm a "Johnny Come Lately" to the Doctor Who series, I wanted to get at least one episode featuring each actor who played the Doctor. And since this story arc includes five episodes, it seemed a good place to view Edward Troughton's Doctor. The first two of these five episodes, I have to say, were a disappointment. In fact, it only really picked up when Doctor Who finally confronted the "villian" face to face (so to speak) in the fourth episode. That's when the whole story arc came alive. Prior to that, Troughton's Doctor struck me as much too timid and cautious. But by the end, it was well worth my time. Now I want to get another episode with Edward Troughton, since one of the Amazon reviews said this was the weakest of the Troughton series.

Doctor Who: The Mind Robber (Story 45) Feature

  • A quick escape from the path of molten lava sends the Tardis to "nowhere" where anything that springs to mind may become reality.Running Time: 99 min. Format: DVD MOVIE Genre: TELEVISION Rating: NR Age: 794051231628 UPC: 794051231628 Manufacturer No: E2316

Doctor Who: The Mind Robber (Story 45) Overview

Movie DVD

Doctor Who: The Mind Robber (Story 45) Specifications

The 1968 Doctor Who serial The Mind Robber is a two-fold blessing, because it's not only one of the more engaging story arcs from the program's second season, but also because it's one of the few shows featuring Patrick Troughton as the Doctor that has remained intact since its original BBC broadcast. The five-part story strands the Doctor and companions Jamie (Frazier Hines) and Zoe (Wendy Padbury) in a strange world populated by characters from fiction, including Rapunzel, Blackbeard the Pirate, and Lemuel Gulliver. Controlling this riot of literary personages is a being called The Master (though not the evil Time Lord from subsequent Who seasons), with whom the Doctor must match wits in order to rescue his friends and save the Earth from a sinister plan. A longtime fan favorite brimming with imagination, visual style (despite its limited budget), and an energetic performance by Troughton, The Mind Robber is a welcome inclusion to the growing collection of Doctor Who on DVD. --Paul Gaita

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 13, 2009 06:19:06

