วันจันทร์ที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Star Trek - Go, yes

JJ Abrams boldly go where George Lucas was going no more than 20 years, and I am grateful. Finally, someone took a part of my childhood imagination and modernized without unnecessary fluff and fodder for the good of the character merchandising. It is true, I've always been more a fan of Star Wars as a Trekkie. "But having a good eye-popping, adult-friendly Star Trek could, I have to reconsider their position. Star Trek is probably one of the mostand appreciated the film's so-called pop-corn "of the summer, following in the footsteps of Iron Man last year. In order to restart the TV series Gene Roddenberry's original all eroticism, humor, science fiction and the balls very well, without any of fields and stupidity. Believe me, I love the movie Pan, and was ready and willing to have lines like "Spock's ears have more than one point, nerd porn masturbation, but that simply is not true to expand. Forbetter or worse, Star Trek is the new model from what should be blockbuster frakking fun!

I will not give trouble to the ground, which is illogical. I must say that the casting, directing, producing and writing (the impact on the ass!) Some like it on the spot Are-on that Hollywood seems to offer in recent days. I did not expect, really all young actors enjoy a relatively unknown before the resumption of the iconic characters, Sci Fi. Not only the new Kirk (at isextremely presumptuous, but vulnerable Chris Pine), Spock (the wood well, but vulnerable Zachary Quinto), "Bones McCoy (a stoic smolderingly Karl Urban), Uhura (Zoe Saldana one smolderingly hot), Sulu (John Cho, surprisingly severe) and Scotty (Scottish hilarious Simon Pegg) to fill the shoes of the original actors to accept these characters as it gives an update of the starch.

The only moments of potential failure is producing half of the film too much at a rate of two hours, when theScience in the vicinity of the plot suffers fatal disease fi time travel. Abrams, puffed like a director as Captain Kirk is also a captain, seems to our merger with loss of time to enjoy the brain-like rotation of the trip. Fortunately, Star Trek by a free fall and used the time of travel as a means to facilitate the public to the fact that not only restored the Star Trek franchise, can only accept even more necessary.

George Lucas, take a lesson here: On the screen, professionalWriters who care about the actual character on "Space Policy", and a love for humanity, the effects are, what a science-fiction epic real inspiration. Apparently, the student was the master.

